Corporate information

Registration number:1936/008963/06
JSE code: SAP
ISIN code: ZAE000006284
Issuer code: SAVVI

Sappi has a primary listing on the JSE Limited and a Level 1 ADR programme that trades in the over-the-counter market in the United States

Our purpose

Sappi exists to build a thriving world by unlocking the power of renewable resources to benefit people, communities and the planet.

South Africa

Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd
Rosebank Towers
15 Biermann Avenue
Rosebank 2196
South Africa

Private Bag X9000
Saxonwold, 2132
South Africa

United States ADR Depositary

The Bank of New York Mellon
Investor Relations
PO Box11258
Church Street Station
New York, NY10286-1258
Tel +1 610 382 7836

JSE Sponsor:
Rand Merchant Bank (a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)